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About the Church in Moultrie

our History in Moultrie

"And He is the head of the body, the church" (Colossians 1:18) Paul referenced to the body of Christ on numerous occasions in this fashion. The church of Christ is the body of Christ and the body of Christ is the church of Christ. The church is the group of people who have humbled themselves under the mighty hand of God and rendered obedience to His will for their lives, not the earthly building itself. The building is simply the "meeting place" where the body of Christ comes together to worship. 

With that being said, the church at Moultrie has had its earthly roots reaching back into February 29, 1920. There were some families who got together in the City Hall to worship God according to the New Testament. Brother J.P. Prevatt from Dasher Bible School, now known as  Georgia Christian School and Home, was the preacher for the first service of the church in Moultrie. His sermon was entitled, "The Bible". 


The church met for a number of years in the City Hall but by 1939 the membership was large enough to erect a frame building on 5th Avenue and 2nd street, S.E. 

The saints in Moultrie moved locations and occupied other buildings on other occasions in time. Now, the church meets at 1915 Adel  Highway, here in Moultrie, Georgia, where we loving welcome visitors interested in becoming Christians and worshipping  God in "spirit and in truth" which is the only acceptable way to God. (John 4:24)

our Shepherds

Doug Loftis and Carl Wisenbaker serve as elders for the Moultrie church of Christ and have been serving in this role since May of 2021. Both men were selected by the congregation after studying and considering extensively the qualifications of elders from Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3, the role that elders played in the first century church, and the task of shepherding. We are blessed that both men excel as teachers and have a heart to serve the Lord and His people. We are also blessed and so thankful to work along side them and their families who always hard at work serving the Lord.

our Preacher Zack Griffin

Zack is originally from Moultrie, but has moved all around the US living as far north as Traverse City, MI and as south as Marianna, FL. He has a B.S. in Bible from Freed-Hardeman University and has one son, Graham, and was married to his wife Emily, in 2022. Zack has specialized in youth ministry, outreach, and preaching, has worked as a minister in Moultrie since 2018, and has been engaged with ministry since 2016. In his free time he likes to play guitar, enjoys fishing, and spending time with his family. 

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